Wednesday 14 December 2011

Diet Don't Work, Changing Your Lifestyle Does

Your probably reading this fed up with all the crazy diets out there that just don't work. There's thousands of blogs and sites out there telling you eat this or don't eat that. The 100's of so called "miracle diet's" that say you will lose 50 pounds in a week. That is horrible !! do you know how bad that is for your body. My goal of this blog is to give you one stop and the information that will keep you healthy and fit for the rest of your life. Its called getting back down to the simple basics and saying piss off with the diets.

The problem with diet's as all you know is you will go on them for a few weeks or months and lose weight yet.the trade off is you will be horribly miserable and hungry in the process. Then after you finally lose all the weight you go back to eating like you did before and just gain it all back. Diet simple don't work, the key is to change your lifestyle. You wont lose 50 pounds in a week but you will lose weight every week until you reach a healthy weight. The best news is... its easy and simple. No fast crash diets or starving yourself to death.

You might be asking now, sounds good Jordan but how do I change my lifestyle. very simple young grasshopper. We will take it step by step and you will see that you can have a sexy body, but the most important thing is you will have a healthy body.

Step 1 - continue eating what your eating now... WHAT?!?!? do you mean continue eating what I'm eating.

yup you heard me, Don't just stop eating all your favorite foods and eat nothing but celery. do you know how depressing that is. we want to enjoy life and food not crush our spirits. The key to step 1 is just continue what your eating but eat less of it. If you gorge on a 3-4 slices of pizza, have 1 or 2 instead. If your eating 3 bowls of cereal for breakfast have 1 instead.

Its simple, If you eat less than you are now, you will lose weight. The body runs on calories, if you take in less than you need you lose weight. If you take in more than you need you gain weight.

Step 2 - Eat healthy snacks between meals

Since your going to be eating less bulk food. We are now going to substitute healthy snacks in between meals so your not hungry. This also will keep your metabolism going and in turn lose more weight. Now we are going to start getting healthy. Don't snack on chocolate bars and Ice cream. Grab a banana, apple, orange, salad. Something along those lines, my personal favourite is a banana with peanut butter spread across it.

Step 3 - Exercise!

I know half of you are running to the hills now that I said this dreaded word. Listen people, exercise doesn't have to be running on a tread mill, and you don't need a lot of it to be in shape. Little bit here and a little bit there is great. just get moving !! You don't have to go to the gym and bust your butt. I play ice hockey as my exercise because its fun. Try finding a sport your interested in and join a team or do some drop in at your local req center. If sports aren't your thing just go for a 15 minute walk around the block. When I say the word exercise I just want you guys to get off the couch and get moving. Start off small and once you see the pounds dropping I guarantee you will want more.

Once you start seeing the pounds coming off you can start switching your foods to healthier alternatives or you can do it right away. Instead of pizza for dinner try having some chicken stir fry. For breakfast my favourite thing to eat is oatmeal. Its fast and easy to make and keeps you full till lunch.

In another blog I will post lots of healthy delicious foods that are easy to make and keep you on the right track. For now though if you follow my 3 simple lifestyle changing tips you will lose weight. Your not on some crazy diet. The nice thing is you can keep the weight off. Just continue doing what your doing. If you start to gain weight again follow steps 1-3 again. You will notice as you eat less your stomach will shrink and it wont take as much food to fill you up.

Hope this helps, please leave any comments and let me know how its working for you !!

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